Promoting Integrity, Honesty, and Good faith in Public Life!

What is a Corrupt Act

Section 44 of the Turks and Caicos Islands, Integrity Commission Ordinance (Amended as of 31st July 2013) defines that a person commits an Act of Corruption in the following ways:

  1. Solicits or accepts, whether directly or indirectly, any article, money or other benefit or advantage for himself or another person for doing an act or for omitting to do an act in the performance of his functions as a public official;
  2. In the performance of his duty as a public official, performs or omits to perform any of his duties in a public body for the purpose of obtaining any benefit for himself or any other person;
  3. Offers promises or gives directly or indirectly to a public official any article, money, or other benefits, for doing or omitting to do any act in the performance of his duties as a public official;
  4. Knowingly or recklessly allows his private interest to conflict with his public duties or to improperly influence his conduct in the performance of his duties as a public official;
  5. Improperly uses for his benefit or that of a third party any classified or confidential information that he has obtained in his duties as a public official;
  6. Communicates to an unauthorized person any classified or confidential information obtained in the performance of his duties as a public official with a view to assisting that person to obtain a benefit;
  7. Improperly uses for his benefit or that of a third party, any property belonging to the Government or any Statutory body or government-controlled company to which he has access as a result of or in the course of the performance of his functions;
  8. Improperly influences the appointment of, or the dismissal, suspension, or other disciplinary action against, a public official;
  9. Hinders, delays or interferes with the performance of a duty of a public official with a view to obtaining a benefit for himself or another person;
  10. During the performance of his official duties pursues a course of conduct with respect to another public officer which amounts to offensive sexual comments, gestures or physical contact, or other conduct of that kind;
  11. Pursues a course of conduct by which he exploits his position or authority for his sexual gratification.

Integrity Matters Talk Show - Enforcement

Episode 3